Monday, November 17, 2008

Nothing Special Here

Nope, nothing. No changes. I have finally plateaud on that steady weight gain. I have bounced between 227-229lb for a couple weeks now.. whew!

I have been stressing about Thanksgiving.. My in-laws don't do anything special for holidays.. Ok, I think it may be special to them, but compared to my redneck (hah) family, it's very tame. They have them, their kids, and sometimes my husband's grandmother there for dinner.. that's it.
My family has a big gathering with like 30 people, plus any friends we can manage to get to come with us.. for a full day of par-tay-ing (and eating).
So every year we do Turkey day with my family. Christmas, we spend Christmas eve with (some of) my family and Christmas day with his. This year he mentioned doing Turkey day with his family.. I had to bite my tongue not to throw a tantrum like a little kid. I already miss the big Christmas gathering with my family because they celebrate on Christmas day and I'm not there. I don't want to miss this one too!! Luckily, quick thinking.. I invited his family to come, and now we're waiting to find out. They want to come, as long as his dad's leg surgery isn't planned around then (they can't plan it till he heals or something).. I dunno.. I just know my fingers are crossed and I am hopeful they will finally say "Yes we are coming down". :/

I really am a big baby with these things, holidays give me that magical warm fuzzy feeling and I'm like a kid again. Russell doesn't even care, except that he wants his parents to feel equal. If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't celebrate any holidays in our house!!!! He makes fun of all my decorations.
And luckily for me, I don't give a crap.

In fact, I put up my tree this weekend!! I already finished all my Christmas shopping, and have some presents under the tree (for the cats to play with/sleep on of course).

That's about it. Still can't tell I'm pregnant. I did buy a fetal doppler heart monitor.. So almost every night I find the heartbeat and listen to it.. pretty neat, can tell it's moving around because it's real loud, then real faint, then moves, etc. Most the time the heartbeat is in my right hip area..

Dec. 11th I find out if it's a boy or girl!


Anonymous said...

We usually spend about 2 months planning (aka arguing) who's house we're going to have Thanksgiving at... then we spend another week or so planning (aka arguing) about who's going to make what... then we have Thanksgiving and it's all good.

christines iphone said...

yay! the doppler is the greatest, isnt it...

wait til the babe gives a really good THUMPY kick.... ;)