Monday, December 22, 2008

Have a Merry (And SAFE) Christmas!!

Don't be a statistic, don't drink & drive! But if you have to tolerate insufferable in-laws, by all means drink.. but make someone sober drive.. hey you're nice to them 364 days of the year, they can drive you this one time!!

Thanks for reading my blog, and making feel all special. I just found out today I have 'followers'. How empowering does that sound?? Now if I could figure out how to follow people back. I am pretty computer savvy, and old-school internet savvy but all these automated programs that do everything for you confuse me very much. I can do html, but figuring out how to click buttons? Derrrr.
Anyways, hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!
The next few days are going to WOOSH past me quickly.. My dad made me promise to make him my (SECRET RECIPE--not) copy cat recipe for Olive Garden's Chocolate Lasagna, since they stopped making it at OG (I protested this, and was not alone).. so I have to go buy ingredients for that, finish wrapping gifts, then Wednesday night I celebrate with my parents & siblings.. Thursday morning will be Dirty Santa with my mom's side of the family if people get over there in time, otherwise off to Russell's parents house in Tennesse.. then we come back that night, and leave for Florida in the morning.. for 5 days. My grandparents on my dad's side have a condo in Florida they stay at every winter, and this year we decided to have a huge family reunion down there. My uncle who I haven't seen in 10 years, my cousin that I rarely see (and has not seen her dad--uncle mentioned above-- in some 15 years), and possibly my aunt in Canada that we never see.. all going down there. Should be fun, I get so exhausted from excitement lately (I feel like an old fuddy duddy) so I am glad to know Russell & I will have our own room in one of the rented condos for me to retreat to.
Plus that's a long time to be away!! Luckily, Russell's parents agreed to babysit our dog.
My g'ma promised to make her Kru Ka Ka!! OM NOM NOM NOM. It's a swedish dish (they are swedish), and it takes a lot of work so she hasn't made it in 5 or so years. My brother and I begged her to make it this year for Christmas--promised her if she would make it, we would come down for the holidays hah hah. So she hauled her grinder all the way down there to make it. I'm probably spelling it wrong, but it's hand made sausage, and then you boil & grind up potatoes and form a ball around the sausage.. then you boil them. It's so amazingly yummy, and it's a 'different' tasting sausage, couldn't really explain it.. very potent.

If you watched "Worst Week" this week, that's how I am with being pregnant. I sneak all kinds of food and when I get a disapproving look (from my mom or Russell mostly) I say "The baby needs ___". Heh heh. Russell heard how babies develop taste buds now when I eat, so he said I needed to stop eating sugar. HAHA. Funny man.


christines iphone said...

OMG - Chocolate lasagna? what's NOT to love!!!???!!

have a great Christmas!

have fun telling Russell about your son.

Anonymous said...

I went to your link for Chocolate Lasagne and made it last week for my mother in Laws birthday!! OH MY how deliciouse it was!!!