Thursday, February 26, 2009

Just another Thursday!

Not a lot has been happening as you can tell from my lack of blogging.

Although this morning I put on pants & shirt (both maternity) and for the first time in a while, they didn't feel too tight. They actually were (GASP) baggy? I don't know what happened. I think maybe I wore these and stretched them out and forgot and put them back in the drawers? I don't know. But it's a nice change, I hate getting dressed these days.

I saw an allergist on Tuesday to find out why I'm always congested and sickly.. ends up I'm really allergic to dust mites and somewhat allergic to cats. So, I ordered encasings for all our bed stuff, and the cats are out of the bedroom now. Poor kitties. It's been 2 days, they actually are taking it better than I thought, it's pathetic to see them outside our door in the morning waiting for us.. but only one of them scratches at the door and when we make a PSSS noise to her she stops after a minute or two.

Ok so that's it.. here's some funnies for you!

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