Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Well we went to Tunica Thursday night after Survivor. 4 hour drive. Good times. Me, Russell, my parents, my sister & her girlfriend. We had the buffet almost everyday for b'fast & dinner. Amount of food that would go down? NONE!
I was doing alright, hit a couple big hits, hit $1,100 on a $2 bet. Woot. But Russell was losing, so I had to keep giving him my money. We were suppose to come home Sunday, but since everyone still had money (and don't you know, you can't leave a casino with money) we stayed till Monday. We still ended up coming home with half the money we brought, which is a win in my book!
We contracted someone to sod our backyard, he said he'd come today. I got an e-mail this morning that he sodded it already and will drop the invoice off today. What? Hah, we didn't even notice! So now I'm anxious to get home from work and see our new sodded backyard. What if he sodded the wrong house?!
I finished my classes for this semester officially last night. I worked on a final essay this weekend, then took my Spanish 2 final last night.. 66%..doh. The good news is, I had a 90 in that class till the final, so I will still be passing, just not an A like I thought I had. I am DONE with foreign language for the rest of my life. Another celebration, the last one was when I finally finished all my math classes a couple years ago. No more math for me, ever again. Never ever.
My dog, who is such a good dog, but an indoor dog.. is a little turd when we put her outside. I always forget because it's rare. But for Tunica, we left her at my parent's house (who have grass in their yard) and when we came back she ripped to shreds a float. Grr! She always rips something up when we leave her outside. So when we start leaving her in our newly sodded backyard, we can't put beds or anything out there for her.
Uhm.. so I'm way behind at work and need to get to it. Just wanted to post!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Work.. Schmerk.

Well, my company decided to move me. Actually, they decided to move all of sales to a newly renovated part of the building. A million miles from everyone else. Most sales staff doesn't care, they work from home. I cared a little bit, but gotta do whatcha gotta do (my attitude quickly changed, as you'll see). Part of the renovation is nice new offices, but the heating/air units are broken. They are 6k a piece to fix, and 3 need fixing back here. Since our company is officially moving to a new building in the next year(ish), they don't want to spend the money. My office is the closest to the 'rest of the people', so I get a backwash of their air right now.. that's fine. And if you see below, I have a little fan in here. Winter might be harsh, last year we designated a smoking room in this hallway to be out of the cold, and we had 3 space heaters in there to keep us warm.. it gets that cold. We'll see. In any event, I was told we're moving Monday. I get a call this weekend that the NEW PEOPLE (hired more staff) are moving Monday.

Us old folks gotta get out that weekend.. wish I had a heads up. So husband and I came in Sunday and moved everything. I somehow hurt my back, I don't know at what point, I felt fine till yesterday. So yesterday I re-organized, got my desk set up, hung pictures on the wall, blah blah. I like it. I'm not freezing, so my attitude may change in the winter, but for now.. it's better than my old office.

Now, I had options. I could have this office, or one 3x as big-- but even more into isolation. I wanted this one. I only have so much furniture, so wasted space. But they call last night and said "It makes more logic for us to move you to the 3x big office.." I was not acting like an adult, I got upset and complained and said "But I REALLY like where I am now". They said we'd talk about it today.

Today at the coffee pot gathering I said "So have you decided not to move me again?". Heh. This time I was more of an adult and got to explain logically. The kicker---- the reason they wanted to move me, was to give this new office to... MY HUSBAND!! Argh. He is an IT guy. Now, this is the part that floors me. Beside my office is an office about 2x size of this. Down the hall is the 3x as big, that I turned down. My husband ASKED for the 3x one. Why? Not because he wants to be manly with a big office, but because as the IT guy he has a lot of desks, equipment, and 4-7 computers being worked on at any given time. If you've been around lots of computers, you know the heat those bad boys generate! So he could definitely use the room. Me? Not so much.

Ok, so here's the flooring me part.. They don't want to give the 'bigger offices' to my husband, because he's just an IT guy and it would look bad. It would look bad, that I have a smaller office than him. I'm pleading to KEEP this office, and they are wanting to displace me again, so that it doesn't look bad that he has a big office. For the love of all that's good in the world!

I think I made a good case explaining why he should get the bigger one, and why this appearance stuff is crap.

My back is killing me, it has progressively gotten worse since Sunday and right now I can hardly move. I took tylenol & advil (NSAID.. shame on me). I take advil once in a blue moon for occasions like this, where I know I need an anti-inflammatory. And I had 4 bites of the inside of a sandwhich called "The Kitchen Sink" for lunch. How fun is that? It really had everything & the kitchen sink. I loved the big chunks of pickles in it.

For anyone wanting to see if I gave up yet, NOPE.. I'm still hitting the gym. Despite my back problems (and this probably didn't help) I went to the gym yesterday and did my longer grueling work out. It's not fun yet, maybe next time I post ;)

So here is my new office for now, if I end up moving again there will be a lot of bad words being posted.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Free Clothes Ya'll?

Alright, edited to take what's left down. If I've contacted you, you know what yer getting blah blah blah, I'm sending them out tomorrow or Thurs. I promise! I ended up moving offices Monday and I've been running around like a freak. More to come in next post ;o)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

But, I can Snoop Too!!

That's right, I've been snooping. I got a blog tracker, so I get to see where all you readers come from.. how you got here, and where you live (creeped out yet??).

I'm shocked to see Singapore, Germany, Finland?! And no one is commenting?! All you US readers too!
But, I can tell my husband hasn't found my page yet, no hits from our city. Teehee!
I'm loving this new fill. Except once, I was sooo hungry and could not get anything to go down. That's the downside of being so tight. Scale is bumbling down again, I love my scale again. I want to be happy in my bathing suit by August for our Jamaica trip. I want husband to be oogling ME and not the Baywatch looking people that frequent surfs.

I watch this show, I think it's called Weird Eating with Andrew Zimmern? Something like that. Talk about turning you off of food, he eats nasty crap all over the world. Last night in China, he went to some restaurant that exclusively cooks Penises..Peni? They had snake, seal, deer, blah blah, all kinds of animal penises. Seal penis is $500. You couldn't pay me $500 to eat it. Much less me pay them! ......Anyone else just imagine PBing on a penis?
Went to the gym yesterday (yay me), and going again today. The trainer man is going to 'step it up'. I asked dad what that meant, and he said he doesn't know. I need to target my gut!! He has us doing cardio, arms & legs. My arms & gut are what I worry about. This gut is not going away, I could hold up my stomach last night and I looked like a sexy bitch.. the kind I never could pull off. I need a mons lift too. TMI? I don't know any exercises for the pooch of fat on the mons. Believe me, it's not for lack of trying to figure one out. It looks like it has not lost one iota of fat, where as everything around it is deflating. It looks horrible, and you'll just have to take my word on that.

Here's my latest B&A pics. Today is my 1 year anniversary. This time last year I was coming out of my sleep, and seeing the Virginia Tech crap happening. What a bizarre day that was. I am not unhappy about losing 104lbs in 1 year. I still have a ways to go, and just being impatient. And I won't lie, I was hoping if I lost 104lbs (which is a weight I have not been since middle school) I would look skinnier than I do.
Start April 07 - 333lbs Today April 08 -229lb.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Bein' Snooped On!

I mentioned how it's weird that I don't tell my husband that I blog, well somehow I mentioned something about it tonight and he reacted like I thought he would-- 'You blog? And I don't know?'. After all these years, we're pretty boring, so I decided this will be my mystery. I wouldn't tell him where it was. So, he said he's going to look for it. In case you found it Russell, congratulations-- Love ya ;o)

He really could just look at my bookmarks, I always wonder if he does that anyway. I have a lot of pregnancy stuff bookmarked, hopefully that doesn't freak him out hah hah.

Worked out yesterday like a good girl. I'm oober tight from my fill. No fun & exciting story from it.. I ate a cracker & drank water. Came home, and I normally have a late night snack. I had crackers & peanut butter. 2 hours after falling asleep, I woke up choking on acid. It was pretty bad. Drank milk, took tums, and 2 hours woke up choking again. That sucked. So yesterday I was pretty darn tight. Nothing but liquids getting through. Today is a little better. I refuse to go back for an unfill, I think eating at night is a bad idea for me now though, and it irritated my pouch. He filled me to 2cc's. I was 1.5cc. I lost 2lbs since the doctor visit, and I've been stalled for a month.. so WOOHOO!
Tonight I had egg salad on 1/2 a garlic wrap. Uhm-- YUM! And it went down fine as long as I took little bites. I'm back in the game!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Workin' It

Well, Saturday morning came, I was so tempted to cancel. My dad called (and woke me up) and said he was on his way to pick me up..for working out! Unggghhh. But I did it! And I'll be darned, I really did feel great afterwards. By 3pm though, I was dozing on and off. I hate napping, makes me nauseated.
We went and saw "21". Good movie! Great story, and Kevin Spacey is awesome. Nice twist at the end.
I took my sister for lunch too for her b'day. Who knew, 4 people at Ruby Tuesday's would be $80? Gah. And I'm banded!!!!!
Monday came, and despite the hectic day, me & dad made it to the gym again. The 'burn' and 'soreness' didn't happen this time. Well, it burned DOING it, but I didn't feel it afterward. Bummer, I like the pain.. makes me feel productive. So I think I'm upping my weights. We changed it to Mon-Wed-Fri. But today I am leaving soon to go get a fill, which is a total of 6 hours driving, so no gym today. Eeps. Tomorow is employee meeting.. with pizza. Yuck. I am glad they pick foods I don't like, then I don't feel the need to 'cheat' and eat crap.

Yesterday, I went to Nashville to meet with a potential customer. They have their plant set up like a museum, it was SO COOL. They were the first to do Beatles & Motownish records back in the 60's in America. They have rooms with all the original furniture from the signings, etc. And they had a motel room in their plant, that was for the black artists, because in the 60's, black people couldn't rent hotel rooms in Nashville. How weird is that to imagine?? So they had this motel room for their black clients to stay in. Again, everything was the original furniture (minus the Kennmore refrigerator and coffee pot in the kitchen). Then we went to Shogun (a hibachi restaurant) for my sister's bday. This time the tab wasn't on me (thank goodness). I had a few pieces of sushi, and way too many scallops. I need this fill so bad.. waaaaah.

When my doc fills me, I always have a funny story. So I'm sure I'll post again tonight!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Hell Musta Gotten Pretty Cold

You know, it was only a couple weeks ago when I was rambling about how I felt good about not having to exercise or diet, and weight just melting off. And no less than a week later, the band-gods SMITED (SMOTED?) me!!!!
I realized my restriction has poofed quite a bit too, which I'm sure is part of it-- so I'm taking care of that next week.

Meanwhile, I've been yapping about working my flab one of these days.. Today finally came!
We have a gym at work, I have no excuse not to be doing it.. just lazy. Lazy La!
So last night my dad said, let's go during lunch. Now, I always wanted someone to go with. Everyone else, wants to come in early (no thanks), or stay late.. and by the end of the day I want to go home. I said let's do lunch, but no one wanted to get sweaty and be at work. Finally, my dad sees it my way. So last night we agreed to go today at lunch. On top of that, we were at Cracker Barrell and both ordered a salad to-go for lunch today. He had a personal trainer come in and make specific workout plans for us. That was neat.
So now I have a plan. We were in there 1.5 hours. I worked out pretty well if I do say so myself, I had a hard time just flicking my lighter afterward (you know, work out-smoke.. derrr).
We said we'd go Mon, Tues, and Thurs for lunch. I could commit to that. Then while we're in there, the trainer said the gap from Thurs-Mon is too big, we need to work out on the weekend. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I kept trying to get out of it, but he insisted. Damn it all to hell, stupid exercise people. (See funny story below, makes me think of this). So now Saturday morning I'll be in here busting my butt. I guess in a few months, if they keep a prod on me and make me go (mmhm), I'll have something to show for it. I hope so, I'm so flabby I could donate skin to a whole burn victim family.
Time to go enjoy my oven-roasted turkey salad.. nom nom nom.
Dear Diary, For my birthday this year, my daughter (the dear) purchased a week of personal training at the local health club for me. Although I am still in great shape since being a high school football cheerleader 43 years ago, I decided it would be a good idea to go ahead and give it a try. I called the club and made my reservations with a personal trainer named Belinda, who identified herself as a 26-year-old aerobics instructor and model for athletic clothing and swim wear. My daughter seemed pleased with my enthusiasm to get started! The club encouraged me to keep a diary to chart my progress.

MONDAY: Started my day at 6:00 a.m. Tough to get out of bed, but found it was well worth it when I arrived at the health club to find Belinda waiting for me. She is something of a Greek goddess - with blond hair,dancing eyes and a dazzling white smile. Woo Hoo!! Belinda gave me a tour and showed me the machines. I enjoyed watching the skillful way in which she conducted her aerobics class after my workout today. Very inspiring! Belinda was encouraging as I did my sit-ups, although my gut was already aching from holding it in the whole time she was around. This is going to be a FANTASTIC week-!!

TUESDAY: I drank a whole pot of coffee, but I finally made it out the door. Belinda made me lie on my back and push a heavy iron bar into the air then she put weights on it! My legs were a little wobbly on the treadmill, but I made the full mile. Belinda's rewarding smile made it all worthwhile. I feel GREAT-!! It's a whole new life for me.

WEDNESDAY: The only way I can brush my teeth is by laying the toothbrush on the counter and moving my mouth back and forth over it. I believe I have a hernia in both pectorals. Driving was OK as long as I didn't try to steer or stop. I parked on top of a GEO in the club parking lot. Belinda was impatient with me, insisting that my screams bothered other club members. Her voice is a little too perky for early in the morning and when she scolds, she gets this nasally whine that is VERY annoying . My chest hurt when I got on the treadmill, so Belinda put me on the stair monster. Why the hell would anyone invent a machine to simulate an activity rendered obsolete by elevators? Belinda told me it would help me get in shape and enjoy life. She said some other shit too.

THURSDAY : Belinda was waiting for me with her vampire-like teeth exposed as her thin, cruel lips were pulled back in a full snarl. I couldn't help being a half an hour late, it took me that long to tie my shoes. Belinda took me to work out with dumbbells. When she was not looking, I ran and hid in the restroom. She sent another skinny bitch to find me. Then, as punishment, she put me on the rowing machine -- which I sank.

FRIDAY : I hate that BITCH Belinda more than any human being has ever hated any other human being in the history of the world. Stupid, skinny, anemic, anorexic little cheerleader. If there was a part of my body I could move without unbearable pain, I would beat her with it. Belinda wanted me to work on my triceps. I don't have any triceps! And if you don't want dents in the floor, don't hand me the Damn barbells or anything that weighs more than a sandwich. The treadmill flung me off and I landed on a health and nutrition teacher. Why couldn't it have been someone softer, like the drama coach or the choir director?

SATURDAY : Belinda left a message on my answering machine in her grating, shrilly voice wondering why I did not show up today. Just hearing her made me want to smash the machine with my planner. However, I lacked the strength to even use the TV remote and ended up catching eleven straight hours of the Weather Channel.

SUNDAY : I'm having the Church van pick me up for services today so I can go and thank GOD that this week is over. I will also pray that next year my daughter (the little shit) will choose a gift for me that is fun -- like a root canal or a hysterectomy. I still say if God had wanted me to bend over, he would have sprinkled the floor with diamonds!!!