Us old folks gotta get out that weekend.. wish I had a heads up. So husband and I came in Sunday and moved everything. I somehow hurt my back, I don't know at what point, I felt fine till yesterday. So yesterday I re-organized, got my desk set up, hung pictures on the wall, blah blah. I like it. I'm not freezing, so my attitude may change in the winter, but for now.. it's better than my old office.
Now, I had options. I could have this office, or one 3x as big-- but even more into isolation. I wanted this one. I only have so much furniture, so wasted space. But they call last night and said "It makes more logic for us to move you to the 3x big office.." I was not acting like an adult, I got upset and complained and said "But I REALLY like where I am now". They said we'd talk about it today.
Today at the coffee pot gathering I said "So have you decided not to move me again?". Heh. This time I was more of an adult and got to explain logically. The kicker---- the reason they wanted to move me, was to give this new office to... MY HUSBAND!! Argh. He is an IT guy. Now, this is the part that floors me. Beside my office is an office about 2x size of this. Down the hall is the 3x as big, that I turned down. My husband ASKED for the 3x one. Why? Not because he wants to be manly with a big office, but because as the IT guy he has a lot of desks, equipment, and 4-7 computers being worked on at any given time. If you've been around lots of computers, you know the heat those bad boys generate! So he could definitely use the room. Me? Not so much.
Ok, so here's the flooring me part.. They don't want to give the 'bigger offices' to my husband, because he's just an IT guy and it would look bad. It would look bad, that I have a smaller office than him. I'm pleading to KEEP this office, and they are wanting to displace me again, so that it doesn't look bad that he has a big office. For the love of all that's good in the world!
I think I made a good case explaining why he should get the bigger one, and why this appearance stuff is crap.
My back is killing me, it has progressively gotten worse since Sunday and right now I can hardly move. I took tylenol & advil (NSAID.. shame on me). I take advil once in a blue moon for occasions like this, where I know I need an anti-inflammatory. And I had 4 bites of the inside of a sandwhich called "The Kitchen Sink" for lunch. How fun is that? It really had everything & the kitchen sink. I loved the big chunks of pickles in it.
For anyone wanting to see if I gave up yet, NOPE.. I'm still hitting the gym. Despite my back problems (and this probably didn't help) I went to the gym yesterday and did my longer grueling work out. It's not fun yet, maybe next time I post ;)
So here is my new office for now, if I end up moving again there will be a lot of bad words being posted.
1 comment:
hi. My name is Karen and I'm undergoing laproscopic banding tomorrow. I'm nervous and excited and so much more. Wish me luck. :D
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