Sunday, September 28, 2008


Thank you for the websites!!
My favorite was this one:
Oh my goodness, Russell loved it too. I laughed so hard, I still haven't finished all the articles.

I'm still broken, but I have an appt. with a physical therapist specializing in pre-natal back problems tomorrow. I can not wait, to find some sort of diagnosis & relief.

My restriction poofed, I was extremely tight suddenly when I realized I was pregnant, they unfilled, and now I'm back to nothing. I guess it passed.. so Oct. 15 I am having him put some more back in. My baby is definitely daddy's kid!! The stuff I have been eating, I have not eaten since pre-band, a lot of things I DO NOT LIKE and have craved. They are things my husband likes to eat. Things I should not even be able to eat. I'll spare the food porn.. pizza, cough, pizza.

If you have anymore websites, post post! I realized how resourceful it is, for people to share the obsolete websites they've somehow come across. They are hilarious and I'd never have found them on my own (except Snopes & Icanhascheezeburger.. I frequent both).

1 comment:

She Smiles said...

Have you seen this one?

I love it!