Friday, August 1, 2008

218!!! TEENS

WOWEEEEE!!! After my long stall, I strapped down and started tracking on myplate, and being accountable with my Shrinking Violets. I have been doing good, and it's paying off!
I hit 219lbs yesterday, I was ecstatic... and today? 218!! TWO EIGHTEEN!! OMG.. Ok, let's see.. I probably haven't weighed this since I was..12.

So excited, and to reward myself I am treating myself to Jamaica! In 7 hours.
I have serious rants about one of my classes, I had to take most of my finals today before I left.. and one teacher, at about 6pm sends me a final assignment, due Aug 5. I told her for weeks I would be gone Aug 2-6, so I needed to finish everything early, she never mentions this.. and it's a flippin 5 page paper with works cited and thesis and blah blah, typical stupid paper. I did cry. I have had such a bad day, at work, with school, stressing, band tightening on me (couldn't swallow spit at one point today).. and I was finally home from work and getting things handled, and she sends me this assignment. I still had packing to do. Luckily my BS factor kicked in and I was able to pump out the paper in about 2 hours.. it's not an A paper but it's a 'keep me from failing because my teacher is a douche' paper. Yeah, I said it.

I'll see you guys when I get back from JAMAICA MON!

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