Friday, September 19, 2008

Poor, Pitiful, Me.

One of the main reasons I had to do some sort of weight loss surgery, is that due to the weight I had crippling lower back pain. I was doing injections and they had stopped working, so by 21-22, I was about to be confined to a bed for life.
What a drastic change this band helped me with. Sometime last year that pain went away completely, and I refer to those times as 'the dark times' hehehe. I felt 90 years old. Now I never complain about having to walk, like in Vegas or at a fair, or back row of a parking lot. I don't take for granted the beauty of being able to walk pain-free.

That being said, last Saturday evening I was cleaning the house. I keep replaying what I did over and over, and can't pinpoint what happened..but my lower back started hurting. Lower than my lumbar, more like my tail bone. I stretched, did pelvic tilts, warm baths, massages, and then went to bed early hoping it would be fine after sleep. Woke up Sunday, miserable. Can't bend, can't reach, can't sit on the toilet, moving positions are excruciating. First thing Monday morning, went to my chiro. He did an adjustment, then told me to go home and ice it and lay down all day.
Tuesday morning, no change, went straight back to him. Another adjustment then he told me I need to see my GP. They both wanted to do xrays, but since I didn't fall they are baffled. Can't do xrays due to my little blooming violet.. so he said anti-inflammatories, muscle relaxers, pain meds, and a steroid injection should help. He was going through his book looking at what class these drugs were for pregnant women. Then he called my obgyn to consult with her--I was really glad they did that.
She said no anti-inflammatories, she is not comfortable with them during the 1st trimester, but my gp had obviously conflicting opinions. She also said no injection.. so they agreed on a muscle relaxer and pain meds, and told me to stay out of work and in bed all week.
Done and done.. it's Friday afternoon and I am barely starting to feel better. My back still throbs, but not miserably. Still hurts to be in a sitting position, and getting in and out of the car is brutal.
I wish I knew what I did, I would hate for this to somehow be pregnancy related. I have a crooked lower spine, and I keep thinking all of these 'what ifs..' what if the uterus is pushing my spine and crushing nerves, or what if my bone spur is being pushed into nerves, blah blah.

Russell bought me some books yesterday, even though I'm working from home, I am sick of tv. I started reading The Glass Castle. Took a break to post here.
My granny called asking if I needed her to come over and clean, or needs anything from the store. Very sweet of her, but I reminded her I have a husband who is handling things.. although he is not cleaning and the laundry/dishes are driving me insane. I couldn't ask my granny to do that..
My musician friend just recorded some new songs, not released yet so he showed me where I can DL it from their server.. very good, sad, mellow songs. Great for my weepy mood.
I'm going back to my book..

If you know of any fun websites worth reading (funny, whatever) post in my comment, I am tired of my same 'ol.


Anonymous said...

hey cutie, ejmdiva here from LBT. here's my list of fun sites!! (hysterical translations of English from Chinese. signs, ads, videos, etc) (fun girly site, lots of games, etc) - photo site, lots of manipulated and photo shopped stuff - crazy urban legends debunked, strange news, myths, popular hoaxes, etc. - humorous videos of peeps falling, crashing, etc.

Julie's Journey said...

I'm sorry you are feel so badly. Hope you feel better soon.

I just checked out your lil bean absolutley amazing!!! Thanks for sharing ;)

AnnieDub said...

Hey Laura,
If you're looking for some hilarious but VERY politically incorrect humour, try

And of course (a lot more innocent)

Hope this helps, and that you start feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

I like and