Wednesday, March 12, 2008

But it's the Parallel Universe, Mom!

Get excited, I'm posting regularly. I'm going to try to keep it up!! Keep commenting, it's encouraging!

Last night I went to see Rain: A Beatle Experience.. tribute band. I have to say, after seeing Love Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas, nothing compares. I even saw another travelling Beatles band that came to Huntsville last year that knocked the socks off these guys. Good thing the seats were free! Then I came home to American Idol Beatles night. How ironic is that? Even more people butchering the classics. No, really.. there were a couple I liked. But the country girl.. really? Really you think Beatles done Deliverance style was good? REALLY?

Anyway, we had to park at the library, way far away. This was due to a misunderstanding that is irrelevant. If you live in Huntsville, you know this is quite a walk. Especially late at night after a show. I was with mom, dad, and Russell. We get to a dark area and this guy-who was standing at a corner-starts following us on the other side of the street. I mentioned it, and everyone said they noticed he was stalking us too. So we all had a game plan.. ultimately, my dad would beat his ass.. We get to the car, the guy stops, turns back around. We saw an 18-wheeler up the street with his yellow lights on, so it's a looney tune 18-wheeler that was debating jumping us!

When we get in the car, Leslie called(my little sister) and told our mom she had a bad feeling about us. Mom said we were fine, and told us not to tell Leslie about it. She's a little unstable and flips out easy. Then Russell says "In a parallel universe, that guy did attack us". Ahhh yes, my dear geeky husband. He explained how "Everything than can happen, does happen in parallel universes". Blah blah geeky talk blah blah.

We got to Waffle House, and it came up what a hellion child I was. She said I was the best teenager of the 3, but the absolute worst child. She used the term "Demon Child". I was too independent and stubborn. I could go on for hours with the stories she tells me.. I can deny them all, because I don't know if it's true or not! Then she brought up, how me & Russell's kids will be. If our childhoods are any indication, we're in for a trip. She played it out, and I just about died. It's going to happen too, I can feel it!!


Spawn-"Mom, I didn't!! Someone in a parallel universe did it!!"


Spawn- "Go ask dad, he knows what I'm talking about!"

And this is at 5, I wonder how exciting they will be by 10?

And then today, I was going to cut the crap.. but argh. Any idea what this nummy looking thing is on my work desk? That's right.. LUNCH! I had 1/2 of it. Russell wanted Italian for lunch.. Italian isn't my thang. Unless it's dessert of course, you can't be racist against desserts.. Just normal food.


Gwen said...

Well, THAT looks yummy! At least you were able to stop at 1/2. That is a major accomplishment!

I like "Cut The Crap Tues/Thurs"...brilliant. I'mma try some of that myself.

Rhea said...

Glad everything was ok with that guy following you. Scary! Funny about the parallel universe comment though. Do you by any change watch LOST?

Congrats on the 99 lbs weight lost! That's incredible! How long ago did you have the surgery?

LaLa said...

I do watch Lost! I love it and hate it at the same time. I'm ready to see where this is going (finally).
I had the surgery on April 16, 2007!

Rhea said...

Wow, so you've lost 99 lbs in less than a year! That's incredible! Way to go.

I had lap-band surgery in November, and I've only lost about 30 lbrs so far.

Lost is so much fun...and so frustrating too! But, I love it.