Monday, March 31, 2008

Hospital & Needing a Fill

What an eventful week I had!

Last Tuesday I had a really horrid day. At 3am that morning, I woke up dizzy and in so much abdomen pain, that I fainted. Twice. I hit my head on the bathroom counter as I tried to get to the toilet. I was ghostly white and sweating. I thought.. I'm dying!!! I grabbed my cell phone on the way in there. I called my mom, who was awake at 3am.. weirdo! I got in the bath tub after some diarhea, and took a long bath, talking to her about what I was feeling. She was looking up webmd, while I soaked. I felt relieved enough to go back to bed. That morning I went to a clinic--I REALLY need a general practicioner, these clinics suck. At this point I had about a 5 in pain (on scale of 1-10), and then every 2 minutes, it waved up to an 8. My mom thought maybe it's false contractions, she told me about that. I thought maybe that is what was going on, it was so miserable. However, when I was passing out I will say it was a 10. It never got to 10 again, but 8 was bad enough.
The clinic sent me to a medical mall for ultrasounds. They did upper organ ultrasounds, then sent me off to drink 32oz of water, and come back for the lady parts.
Well, 50oz of water and 4 hours later.. I could not pee!!! I went back twice, and they said my bladder was not full enough. They were getting irritated with me, my mom (who came with me the 2nd time around) was irritated I wouldn't pee.. she blamed it on my stubborness. At some point I finally filled up, they did the ultrasound and said my right ovary was hidden, then needed to go in my hoohoo box. Waaaaah. So they stuck something resembling a dildo with a condom up there, then made me bend and stick my left leg up in the air and tilt that way, etc. Finally got a picture, and I left without my dignity.
Clinic tells me to go to the ER and meet some doctor there (it ends up he's a bariatric surgeon in town). He was trying to sell me on coming to him for fills, I finally realized it after the fact.. that's another story.
So I get to the ER, they rush me in. The person doing the IV was a moron, surely on his first day doing an IV on a real person. He put it on the side of my wrist, took him 10 minutes to get it to go in right, and it was excruciating-- on top of my current pain. I've never had IV problems before, and it's a week later and my arm is black & blue and yellow from it. It constantly jabbed into me everytime I moved my arm too. Idiot. Anyway, so the doctor comes in an hour or so later, feels around and said my white blood cells are through the roof, and he doesn't think it's appendicitis.. so it's no longer an emergency. Just what I want to hear in the ER. So he said while I'm there he wants to do a cat scan. They brought me 3 glasses of contrast (mixed with sprite and ice.. my hell). They said they're coming in 20 minutes to take me to get a CAT scan, so I needed to get it down. Sip, sip, sip. Finally get it down, the 50oz from early is finally catching up.. I gotta go! 2 hours pass. No CAT scan. I'm nearly in tears. Nothing is happening!! Doc comes by, asks how the CAT scan went.. I said.. I DON'T KNOW THEY NEVER CAME!!! The nurses station was a bunch of blithering idiots. 40 minutes later they finally take me, I'm all tears by this point. I'm hungry, I'm in pain, I want to go home. They do the scan, so I could finally pee. The guy wheeling me back said I'll be there 'all night' because the person reading the CAT scans isn't there. So when I get back, I ask a nurse to call the doc, and tell him I'll come back tomorrow when he gets the results. They don't call him. 30 minutes pass.. I am literally going insane. I got dressed, they had taken my cuff and pulse thing off. I was just sitting there for no reason. Overnight? No way. So I caused a huge scene, screaming and crying, and they brought me forms saying I would be signing out Against Medical Advice. I did. At the moment, it was immediate relief to walk out of there.. now I'm going to be facing insurance not paying for it. I'm going to fight it though.

So that was that (for now). The next day he said it looked like my colon lining was thick, indicative of food poisoning. I didn't know I had food poisoning, but ok. He told me to take magnesium citrate and drink lots of water. Now, last time I did MC was for lap-banding, and it hit me in like 30 minutes and lasted an hour. This time, it lasted TWO DAYS. I had anal leakage for 2 days.. yuck, I know! And I had to work.

Then on top of that, since I hit 232lb, it's like my restriction miraculously is disappearing. And the band gave me an inch, and I took a mile. I've been eating horribly with this new found open-ness.
I am scheduled for a fill next Wednesday. Whew. Gotta get this bad boy working again.


Losing Jusme said...

holy crap (no pun intended)

sorry you had such a horrid week!!

hope your fill gets your restriction back ASAP.

She Smiles said...

Oh man! What a horrible experence to have to go through!

I'm with LJM, hope you get your fill back to a good level soon.