Thursday, March 20, 2008

Entertainment & Jamaica!!

This has been such a busy week for me, and instead of doing my homework which I am very behind in.. I'm going to blog. Yup, that's me.

Seems like this week everyone loaded a bunch of crap on us to do.
Tuesday night I saw Horton Hear's a Who with my friend.. I have to say, it was not bad. I was a little nervous, last kid movie I saw was Bee Movie (SUCK). Who knew Jerry Seinfeld could not be funny? But the cast in Horton was fun.. Carol Burnett, Steven Carrol, Jim Carey.. And good graphics. So if you have to see it because you have a kid, don't fret!

The best part, I hadn't eaten much that day and decided I would splurge on candy, popcorn, or martini at the movie theatre. I got there.. and had nothing.
My reward, yesterday I was 232lb. I am 100% officially down 100lbs. 101lbs actually. Broke that plateau, I've been bouncing 234-238 for almost 2 weeks! I need 233 to be down 100. And bad eating, but eh.. darn.

I made yesterday another good day. Didn't eat much (I have not been feeling hungry lately).. so I splurged on Junior Mints and was still under 1,000 calories.
I wonder if the steroids and/or antibiotics I am on are causing this non-urge to eat. Cool!
Last night I went to the Blue Man Group - How to be a Megastar v. 2.0. I was really disappointed!! We went to the show last year, I could have sworn it was a different version.. but it wasn't, even the opening act was 100% identical to what I saw last year. So, it was still neat looking but the element of surprise is important in this show I think. I yawned a lot, especially during the end. If you've never seen it though, I highly recommend it. If you've seen it before, it's not worth a 2nd unless you were blithering drunk during the 1st run and don't remember anything.

I booked me and husband's anniversary trip for this year! As it ends up, our anniversary is 7/7, and I was looking for 7/3-7/8 trips. So many things were booked, extremely expensive, etc. A co-worker recommended a travel agent and the first thing she said "Do you want to travel on 4th of July? I can get better rates if we do other dates". DOH! I completely forgot about that. Guess it's going to be like that for the rest of our lives! So, we were lenient on dates, so in August we're going to Sandals in Jamaica. FUN IN THE SUN YA'LL!!! What's really cool, is that what I could find even on those dates, with airfare, for a 'decent' room, but one far from the beach with a garden view.. was X amount. This travel agent got us a room ON THE BEACH with a patio that opens right to the beach.. mmm.. with a concierge service... for almost 40% less than what I was able to find on my own. I now recommend travel agents, who knew?

I am very excited, since Sandals is all inclusive, we eat for free, party for free, get drunk for free.. I don't like itenerary trips, my dad use to do those when we went on family vacation (and to this day). It's stressful and I like being spontaneous. I know I want to do massages, tubing, lazy river, snorkling, maybe parasailing.. but I don't know when. I'll figure it out that day!

Now, I'm really buckling down this time. I always say it, but now I have a goal. I don't want to be the fat girl on the beach in Jamaica. So time to lose at least 30 more lbs by August. I can totally do this.


Ang said...

100lbs wooo hooo!!

That's crazy about what Sandals did what a bunch a #&$*#'s. You will be fabulous in Jamaica. Grats on the awesome job so far!

Gwen said...

Whoa, 100#! You are awesome!!
You'll totally be beach ready by July. Sounds so fun!